Saturday, May 17, 2014

[Song] Mengemis Kasih

Assalamualaikum and hi!

In the midst of exam with one week gap for each paper~ how you would not feel depress, stress, loneliness when all other years done with their exam and you have a wonderful plan to look forward?! I am not saying I will definitely get 100% in each paper, daaaa~ but the feelings...hurm.. mix feelings. You want it to end as soon as possible because you want to have holiday, but you are not confident enough that you can answer the questions.

You know why you feel that way? Because you depends on your effort, your friends, etc2 to succeed more than HIM! *alright, it is not you, -___-'  it is just me, ME*

To tell the truth, I learn a lot about LIFE now, than when I was back doing IB. *although some people say IB is a lot tougher than university life. I am disagree. hahaha*  My life focus keep on changing. I read what I had wrote back in 2010 or so. I wrote it recklessly! I have become more conscious on what I write nowadays. Evidence base. with source, link, etc2. Because thats how a person should write their opinion in the first place. Especially when you are not the expert in that field. It is not wrong to voice out your opinion, not wrong at all, especially if it is your blog. hahah, but sometimes we need to be realistic and not too idealistic. I have lots of IDEAS TO CHANGE THE WORLD! ok. i am not going to talk about this. InsyAllah later. I will share with you how. hehe. *bajet je*

here the song that change my perception on stress or depression and so on. Enjoy!

Mengemis kasih
Album : Gema Alam
Munsyid : Raihan

Tuhan dulu pernah aku menagih simpati
Kepada manusia yang alpa jua buta
Lalu terheretlah aku dilorong gelisah
Luka hati yang berdarah kini jadi parah

Semalam sudah sampai kepenghujungnya
Kisah seribu duka ku harap sudah berlalu
Tak ingin lagi kuulangi kembali
Gerak dosa yang menhiris hati

Tuhan dosa itu menggunung
Tapi rahmat-Mu melangit luas
Harga selautan syukurku
Hanyalah setitis nikmat-Mu di bumi

Tuhan walau taubat sering kumungkir
Namun pengampunan-Mu tak pernah bertepi
Bila selangkah kurapat pada-Mu
Seribu langkah Kau rapat padaku

p/s Bismillah, one more to go insyAllah. May Allah ease. 

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Dear future me,

Assalamualaikum and hi!

It has been a tough week. For most people like us, the medical students.

*Exam fever*

Hence, here come this post. 

Most senior told us that we will be grand. This semester' exams are easy, we can get first class honest, they will not fail you etc2. 

As much as I want to believe that. 

But I learn from the past. 

Things keep on changing and they don't know the future thou. 

Indeed people said learn from other people experience. But it is not applicable for everything! 

And one thing I know for sure:

Study Lillahi Ta'ala.

For Him! 

Yes, I want to get 1st Class Honest.
But with my own effort. And biiznillah insyaAllah. With Allah's will.
My own tears and sweats. Maybe blood. Huhu. 

So that, one day I can proudly tell myself
"Alhamdulillah. You did it"  :')

Dear future me,

Remember how you have become who you are, how you have go through those, and how you have survived. 

It is not an easy path but it is not impossible either. So, whatever you have become now, be grateful and thankful to Allah. 

Remember how the Prophet has gone through to spread the truth. And indeed Allah knows your capability. 2;286.

Apt 15.
4 Rejab 1435H.

P/s the FB timeline full with graduation pics from friends and good news from the final Meds - Doc! Dear myself, your time will come. InsyaAllah. Allah knows. Have faith in Him, please :') just a little bit more. Focus on the present. :)

Bismillah. Now I am starting to write the book "Dear future me"  *i know it is comot. Will find another one later. For time being, here it is* :D 

Today's pic: Al Mujib. Indeed He will grant your wish. So, ask from Him. | Lough Lannagh. 

*back to books! Lega sikit rasa after fighting own self about this. Huhu* 

May Allah bless!