Monday, December 29, 2008

i'm a superhero!!

this is a true story. it is more than a week, the enemies started their attacked
'i couldn't stand it anymore!!, lets have a fight!" (pengaruh gokusen??maybe. n_n)
one fine evening.(not that fine,drizzling??)
the superheroine came to fight the three powerful enemies, SESIPUT!!
the battle begun between the superheroine (which is me,ngeh3) vs sesiput.


(gambar sekadar hiasan..huhu)

stepping out towards the 'court' with high spirit to fight for justice for my beloved parents and fans.
"i must win!"
spectators (only 2,yet more than 1.heheh) watching anxiously.
i grabbed my strongest weapon, borsch aquatac eco and hoping everything will be alright.
first-half, nothing change. everything stood move even an inch.
"they are sooo strong."
i was more energy left.what i'm going to do???
the two cute little kids looked up at their hero with full of hopes.
i cannot dispoint them.
second-half.i changed my strategy.
"fight for justice!!
this time, i went near them and fought till my last blood. ( cam hiperbola jer??)
they scared and took out their secret 'weapon' ........


however, it did not even effect me any i know i will win!! heheh.(confident betul)
using physics principle. lower the space volume, increase the pressure.
using certain angle. focus.for my beloved one. with all my power. here i come!! shoot!!
finally, one by one felt down to the drain together with their weapon.
"with great power comes great responsibility".ngeh3. =3


lets get into the business.
before that, happy new year, guys.
hurm well said. salam maal hijrah to all muslim.(a little bit late?? better late than never.ngeh2)

time for a change! to the better person please.
1430H huh? a year toward death?? life getting short ppl. we cannot change the truth
how my iman?? how i'm going to face the Almighty?? what is my preparation??
did i really prepare?? i'm getting old?? death never know age.

i lost one of my childhood friend when he was 18. a week after that ( less than a week i think) i lost my cousin who is 17.
i'm not asking for sympathy ppl.
just to remind us. anywhere, anytime, any moment. we don't know.
omg, what i'm going to do?? -i know the answer-you know the answer-
remember and do it.huhuhuhu

ok2. back to the topic.
who is our superhero??
ask yourself.

is he/she the one who fight for justice??

Kira a.k.a. Light Yagami
who kills all the criminals in the worlds.
death note manga.

is he/she is the one who fight for islam??
Salahuddin Al-Ayubi.

is he/she the one who is there when you need help??
chip n dale rescue rangers.
cam budak2.heheh

is he/she the one who fight the Jews for the sake of peace??
palestinian people

is he/she the one who you respect??

our prime ministers

whoever he/she is, it is depends on individual judgement.
but always ask ourselves, why we have a superhero or an idol?
why we need one??
remember, human is not perfect.

my superhero are all Muslim heroes.

and above all that, Allah is the greatest.
that always with us anywhere anytime.

Monday, December 22, 2008

anda seorang yg 'skema' atau beretika??

salam semua. isu kali ni. etika @ skema. memandangkan isu ini lebih jelas jika dibicarakan dalam bahasa ibunda. maka, sy lebih suka untuk mengemukakan pandangan sy dalam bahasa Malaysia secara ringkas dan padat yang mungkin.

pernah anda berfikir soalan2 sebegini :
adakah sy seorang yg 'skema'??
adakah sy terlalu mengikut preaturan??
apa kata rakan sy tentang sy??

skema ni bagus ke tak??

pernah anda mendengar org sekeliling anda berkata begini:
ko ni skema arr. lek2 sudeyh.
asl ko ikut peraturan sngt ni.
x bes arr ko ni. skema sangat.

huhuhu. macam mana ek nk cakap. apa beza skema dan beretika?? apa persamaan skema dan beretika?? ini kata2 sy. apapun pandangan anda, begitulah manusia. lain manusia. lain jawapannya. (melainkan yang suka meniru la.hehhe)


Skema dan etika ek?? bg sy dua2 nya adalah sama jer (dalam kebanyakan situasi). yg membezakan adalah penggunaan perkataan tersebut. perkataan skema lebih menjurus kpd negatif dan perkataan etika, positif.

jika seseorang itu mengikut peraturan yg telah ditetapkan (selagi mana relevan) dan dia dikatakan sbg seorang yg skema, itu mampu melemahkan smngt seseorang. berbanding jika dikatakan sbg seorang yg beretika.

kebanyakkan peraturan yg dicipta manusia, ada sebabnya dan untuk kepentingan dan keharmonian sejagat. namun, jgn diterima semuanya. bahaya.kenapa? fikir.

bersifat beretika merupakan satu tindakan yang dipandang tinggi oleh golongan dewasa. lebih2 lg golongan profesional. contohnya, doktor yg beretika cukup dihormati dan disanjung oleh pesakit2 mahupun masyarakat sekeliling.

kenapa bukan pelajar yang beretika??

namun, remaja@pelajar kini tidak gemar menggunakan perkataan ini. mengapa yer?? ntah. sy pon kurang pasti. mungkin nampak terlalu gah kot. atau perkataan itu tidak bersifat 'keremajaan'. akhirnya, mereka memilih perkataan skema.

hal ini sama juga dngn perkataan degil atau berpendirian. bergantung kpd individu dalam menilai seseorang .seorang yg optimis @ pesimis. hurm, tetapi dalam islam. kita digalakkan bersangka baik.

salahkah menjadi seorang yg skema ni?? bagus ker??

bagi sy la, x salah dan bagus untuk diamalkan. mmg akan ada org diluar sana yg mmndng anda pelik. namun, dah mmg anda seorg yg jenis suka ikut peraturan (asal tidak bertentangan dng agama), apa salahnya. teruskanlah..tidak salah dan tidak berdosa asalkan tak sesat. lagipun, islam menyuruh hambanya bersikap adil.

aik, apa kena mengena ngn adil lak ni..huhu. camner ek nk bagitau. hurm. tau maksud adil?? meletakkan sesuatu pd tempatnya. itu lah adil. lebih kurang sama jer mcm skema dan etika. bezanya, perkataan adil ni lebih disignifikasikan dalam masyarakat melayu dngn membuat keputusan dan hal2 agama. huhu.

adil ni luas!! bkn dalam hal2 tuh jer. bnyk lagk.lam penulisan,lam kata2. kita kner bertindak adil sepanjang masa bkn kadang-kadang.oleh itu, mengikut peraturan yang tidak bercanggah dngn agama juga merupakan salah satu tindakan yang adil.(nk tau lebih lanjut?? bkk buku handbook agama IB.tajuk ciri2 masyarakat Islam.rakan sekelasku, adakah engkau lupa??.heheh)

"wahai orang2 yg beriman! jadilah kamu sebagai penegak keadilan kerana Allah, (ketika) menjadi saksi dengan adil.dan janganlah kebenciaanmu terhadap suatu kaum, mendorong kamu untuk berlaku tidak adil. berlaku adillah, kerana (adil) itu lebih dekat kepada taqwa. dan bertakwalah kepada Allah, sungguh Allah maha teliti apa yg aku kerjakan" (almaidah, 5;8)

maka, buat sesiapa yg terkena oleh rakan2 sbg seorang yg skema. jgn risau!! anda bukan berseorangan dan apa yg anda lakukan itu tidak salah.(klu x sesat arr) teruskan,, asalkan jiwa anda tenang dan anda rasa apa yang anda lakukan itu betul.tetapkan pendirian!!
anda bukan seorang yg 'skema', tetapi seorang yang beretika.
anda bukan seorang yang degil, tetapi seorang yang tetap pendirian.
anda bukan seorang yang gagal, tetapi anda masih belum lagi berjaya.

p/s ingat! apa yang sy ungkapkan di atas berkenaan mengikut preaturan dunia yg masih lagk relevan, tidak bercanggah dngn agama, dan bersesuaian dengan situasi. walaubagaimanapun, setiap peraturan yg manusia ciptakan, masih boleh diubahsuai mengikut keadaan sekeliling.

>different ppl, different view<

Saturday, December 13, 2008

is it okay to tell lies??

does words tipu sunat really exist??
"tipu tuk kebaikan" someone would say that.
what is lies actually??
having dilemma lately.
not just between little kiddo n the big ones. but also between adults people. yup, it is true that they did not understand what is happening around them, thats why they keep on asking until they get the answer. but the main point is, we, the old2 people use to take the easiest road to keep them shut. which is LIES. the reason is the kids are so annoying. wow, what a simple way to keep them quiet.

so, How To MaKe THEm sHut tHeir MoUth Up?? can anyone out there anwer me??!!

huhu, i donow where i heard this. inside my head i guess.early in the morning.(aduh, how early?? god knows)

“wahai org2 yg beriman! Mintalah pertolongan dgn bersabar & dgn solat, kerana sesungguhnya Allah bersama-sama dgn org yg sabar” (alBaqarah,2:153)

okay2. got the answer?? patient.that the key. we shouldn't tell lies. there are sooo small. at this age. they believe every single thing what the elder tell them. they trust us. if one day they know we telling lies, huhu.they will never ever believe us again.

yes, they are annoying but do you know how much Allah loves muslim who are being patient. not my statement. AlQuran state it,my dear.huhu.

enough bout kiddo. now, adults thingy. hurm, how to start it.what is the different between telling lies and manipulate the truth??

sometimes, no, most of the times, we avoid telling lies but we do manipulate the truth. have u realise it? yes, i do realise it. " kalau aku ckp camni, nnt dier pk aper, klu aku ckp camni, nnt camni lak." so, at the end of the day, we tell the truth but in a cheecky and long way. it is our mentality, Malaysians. we love to think bout others. it is good to care bout others feeling.

the main question is HoW Do You ReaLLy SuRe What U ThINk wiLL ReaLLy HapPen?? you are not God. thats the truth.

huhuh, this remind me of this particular subject. THEORY OF KNOWLEDGE. want to know more??learn bout ib first, click, back to the topic. different people, different perception. based on what we tell them. the more info we give, the more they will ask. knowledge. thats the power of curiosity. cause lots of trouble sometimes. how?? think. ps.. cam dah lari topik.

'kadang-kala diam itu lebih baik dari berkata-kata' .huhu. i rather choose this road but that doesn't mean i accept everything what others said and jump into a conclusion. NO!! it depends on the topic. lets say, it something useless. better just keep quiet and at the end, just forget it. it means much more better for u. sometimes, the more we talk, the higher the chance we reveal others secret. again, cam dah lari topik.

ok. another question to ask ppl out there. is it okay to manipulate truth?? "sekurang-kurangnya aku cakap benar" well, yeah u tell the truth. but here comes MR.MISUNDERSTANDING. (knaper mesti mr??bkn mrs. hurm.ntah.suke.hehe) now, it relate to the perception thingy. gotcha?? we cannot expect what is inside other ppl mind. thats why the word ASSUME exist. most teenagers take this road, 'assume road' n lastly may cause misunderstanding, quarell, n same waktu dengannya.

suddenly it remind me with this quote "kita merancang tp rancangan Allah tuh lebih baik". what will happen after we give out the statement? who knows? Allah knows. maybe if we said lies, something different than what we thought may happen. n laslty, we regret.

"…dan boleh jadi kamu membenci sesuatu padahal ia amat baik bagimu, dan boleh jadi pula kamu menyukai sesuatu, padahal ia amat buruk bagimu, Allah mengetahui sedang kamu tidak mengetahui.” (AlBaqarah,2:216)

in a nutshell, tell the truth. honesty is the best policy. although the truth is so hard to accept. but thats it. be honest and straight forward. don't manipulate stories because we never knew what is the effect from our story. that is my stand. again,different ppl different view.

.:. ALLAH itu maha mengetahui. don't tell lies.
>peringatan untuk diri dan semua <>

Monday, December 8, 2008


hari raya eiduladha 1429.

as usual,

every year, 10 zulhijjah, same words, same events, same place,same tasks. nothing change ever since i was small. except for my height and number of family members..heheh.

but the most exciting part is TAKBIR!! and 'gerbeng'

Nabi SAW telah bersabda:
"Sesungguhnya Nabi SAW apabila tiba hari Adha, Baginda membeli dua ekor biri-biri yang gemuk".

Nabi SAW juga telah bersabda:
"Sesungguhnya Nabi SAW bersabda; makanlah, simpanlah dan sedekahlah"

Surah al-Kautsar, "Sesungguhnya Kami telah memberi kepadamu (wahai Muhammad) sebuah sungai di syurga. Maka dirikanlah solat kerana Tuhanmu dan berkorbanlah. Sesungguhnya orang yang membenci kamu, dialah yang terputus (daripada rahmat Allah SWT).

Anugerah yang Allah berikan itu dikaitkan dengan dua perkara iaitu, pertama, dirikan solat kepada Tuhanmu dan keduanya, sembelih korbanlah kamu. Dua tuntutan tersebut adalah tuntutan yang berterusan, bukan sekali sekala. wallahualam.

Sunday, December 7, 2008


resah gelisah




undefined feelings


"janganlah kamu bersikap lemah, dan janganlah pula kamu bersedih hati,padahal kamulah orang-orang yang paling tinggi darjatnya, jika kamu orang-orang yang beriman." (Ali Imran,3:139)

“wahai org2 yg beriman! Mintalah pertolongan dgn bersabar & dgn solat, kerana sesungguhnya Allah bersama-sama dgn org yg sabar” (alBaqarah,2:153)

Saturday, December 6, 2008


kata-kata untuk diri dan semua.

perkongsian ilmu.

mengupas isu-isu semasa.


what we have is not ours, but what we give is ours.



failure vs success.