Friday, November 28, 2014

oh kids and bedtime

assalamualaikum and hi!

currently reading books about kids a.k.a pediatrics. *lam wow lam*  and I found something interesting.

I have lots lots and lots of nieces and nephews. Alhamdulillah. All praise to Allah for this ni'mah.
and I have experienced taking care of them. Soooo, few common challenges that I have faced/observed/etc are:

1. Difficulty in settling to sleep at bedtime.

some of my nieces and nephews go to sleep quite late. Especially when this Che Su tak mo tido lagi. lols. Ok having said that, I used to asked them at what time they usually sleep. If weekend, they are all sleep late because no school on the next day. And it changes during weekdays. Fair enough for the big ones but not the young ones especially if they are sleeping with the parents.

Hence, I am thinking about the future. I need the sleep for the energy. hurmmmm. *sleepy head much. hahahah*

Anyway, back to the story. First, you need to figure out why they are not settling at night. Here are some reasons:

  • too much sleep in the late afternoon
  • displaced sleep/wake cycle - not waking child in morning because did not settle until late on the previous night
  • separation anxiety
  • overstimulated or overwrought in the evening 
  • kept awake by siblings or noisy neighbors or TV in the bedroom
  • erratic parental practices: no bedtime or routing to cue child into sleep readiness, sudden removal from play to go to bed without prior warning to wind down
  • use of bedroom as punishment
  • dislike of darkness and silence- night light and playing story tapes can be helpfl
  • some chronic physical conditions may be associated with sleep problems e.h painful crisis in sickle cell disease 

and these are what recommended:

  • creating a bedtime routine which cues the child to what is required
  • telling the child to lie quietly in bed until he/she falls asleep, recognizing that children cannot fall asleep to order

and these are what my parents did to me. as far as I remember. hehe

  • Mami is a mom to us and a warden as well. Hehe. At 10 pm every night, she will make sure everyone go to bed after finish homework/study. Every night, we sat at the study table together and everyone was studying including my mom. and exactly at 10 pm, we prepared our stuffs to go to school for the next day and ready to go to bed. Thats was happened everyday! *hidup berjemaah beb, we did everything together, bila masuk university, those 20 years training had changed. why? I don't know. Need to go back on track*. Basically, we have routine and honestly, I am enjoy that. *perfect melancholic much*
  • we don't watch TV at night - so, it was very quiet at night. Except later on when a shopping complex was build next to our house. (we lived in a shophouse and it was a cowboy town back then. not anymore. Sound pollution started when I was 10 I think.).
  • sometimes, after Papa came back from work and both my parents were ready to go to sleep, I would go to their room and tell a story based on what I drew. Well, it was kinda bedtime story for all of us, but I were the story teller. lols. *see, how much I am enjoy talking. Thats explain my excessive talking behavior. hahahah* - I am trying to reduce okkk.
  • night light - I have this until now, not really here. But back home in Malaysia. My mum will make sure all rooms have night light. I don't know the reason. but thats mum. She will make sure all rooms have night light or table lamp. I rarely use it because some said it is not good for your sleep hygiene. To what extend it is true, I don't know. I have no problem having that in my room. Mom's love <3 li="">

Fun fact: talking about story tapes. For each one of us who have successfully read a whole story book, our parents will tape it. *we don't have any video cam whatsoever. voice recorder was the best* It was the best moment ever! We would keep on playing that and listening over and over again our own voice. It was kinda a booster to read more more and more. awwww. I am wonder where are those tapes? hurmm in our old house maybe.  

Enough for tonight. I would like to write on toddler disobedience and tantrum but not today. Later insyAllah. 

Resource for above facts: Illustrated Textbook of Paediatrics by Tom Lissauer and Graham Clayden.

back to books!
Exam less than 4 weeks! *panic attack*

p/s few more topics I want to write - CBT and Health promotion. Doakan diberi keberkatan masa. Amin! I think I have those flight of ideas. *maniac much. lols*

may Allah bless!

Apt 15
6 Safar 1436H

New tag --> Tarbiyatul aulad! >.<

Tuesday, November 25, 2014


"O you who have believed, what is [the matter] with you that, when you are told to go forth in the cause of Allah , you adhere heavily to the earth? Are you satisfied with the life of this world rather than the Hereafter? But what is the enjoyment of worldly life compared to the Hereafter except a [very] little." (9:38)

Exam is coming. Panic attack. bibo bibo. lols.

May Allah ease!

p.s no longer active in Instagram and Facebook. I just need a space for myself. Not for the whole world to see. Just to keep my sanity. And if you ask me, how about this blog? this blog is a gift for you. Just a reminder for me and you for the sake of hereafter. Amin!. :)

If you want to know how I am doing? text or call me. Don't stalk me :P *perasan. haha* I am fine. Alhamdulillah. thanks for asking anyway.*bajet ada orang tanya. :P*

1 Safar 1436H
Apt 15

Sunday, November 23, 2014


Berharap pada manusia, 
Manusia tidak mengerti.

Berharap pada manusia,
Manusia itu kompleks.

Berharap pada manusia,
Hati gelisah.

Berharap pada manusia, 
Jiwa merana.


Itu semua nafsu.

Masakan syaitan akan diam tatkala anak Adam berusaha menjadi hamba yang taat.

Akhirnya, kembalillah pada Sang Pencipta.

Dia yang mencipta hati.
Dia yang memegang hati.
Dia yang membolak balikkan hati. 

Andai ditanya, tidakkah gelisah?
Tidakkah sedih?
Tidakkah cemburu?

Dusta andai dijawab tidak.
Kerana aku manusia yang lemah lagi hina.

Apakah daya aku.
Apakah kudrat yang aku ada.
Apakah boleh aku cari jalan keluar?

Kadang kala, aku tertanya. 
Apakah maksud semua ini? 
Aku cuba tapi sering kali tiada jawapan yang aku temui
Atau adakah aku pentingkan diri sendiri? 

Seribu satu persoalan kerana seribu satu diam membisu. 

Sudahkah kamu menemui jawapan?

Kerana aku buntu,

Hanya satu yang aku harapkan.

Allah, tunjukkan aku jalan yang lurus iaitu jalan yang diredhaiNya. 

Mula tertanya-tanya apakah maksud semua ini.

Redefine the purpose of life.

Repost picture. Mohon terasa wahai diri. 

29 Muharram 1436

Monday, November 17, 2014


Assalamualaikum and hi!

Just want to share something common. Sooooo commmooonnn especially for a student. ehehs.

Anyway, lets get back to the business!

My doctor asked me if a patient came with T.A.T.T. what are your differential diagnosis?

And I was like WHAT?! Tatt??

It was my first time know that term. T.A.T.T. = Tired All The Time.

I don't understand why they want a fancy acronym. pfttt. ok. thats it about the name.

So, if you feel tired all the time, there are number of questions you have to ask yourself and if it is YES most of the questions, please be worried.

Biological Factors.

  1. Are you a vegetarian? [Query for anemia]
  2. If yes, did you take any iron supplement?
  3. Are you a female? [Query for heavy bleeding]
  4. If yes, when was your last menstrual period? 
  5. Is it heavier than normal? Or how many pads did you used recently? Or was there any flushing?
  6. Have you gain your weight recently? [Query for hypothyroidism]
  7. Are you cold intolerance?
  8. Do you have any constipation recently?
  9. Do you have increase in thirst? [Query for diabetes]
  10. Do you feel want to go to the toilet more than usual?
  11. Have you loss your weight recently?
  12. Do you feel more hungry lately?
Physiological factors
  1. Did you sleep well last night? [Query for insomnia/depression]
  2. How was your appetite? 
  3. What did you do that you find it enjoyable? 
  4. Did you still do it?
  5. Is there anything bothering you lately?
  6. Do you have any bad thoughts?
  7. Have you ever think of self harm?
  8. If yes, what did you plan to do?
  9. Did you talk about this with your parents?

The common causes of tired all the time are Anaemia, Hypothyroidism and Depression

Don't keep it to yourself if you feel you are tired all the time. Seek help. See doctor. Talk to your friends about this or your family.

If something bothering you, seek help. And don't forget to ask from Allah. 

Easy said then done. But believe me, you are precious. Love yourself. Allah is always there for you. Be strong. If HE has kept you breathing, He has a purpose for you. Value yourself. :)

Royal Botanical Garden, Edinburgh

"Being with others is therapeutic and healing in almost all situations," 
- Carol Landau,
PhD, a clinical professor of psychiatry and medicine at Alpert Medical School at Brown University.

“When I cry or lose or bruise, so long as I am still alive, nothing is ultimate. So long as there is still a tomorrow, a next moment, there is hope, there is change, there is redemption. What is lost, is not lost forever.” 
– Yasmin Mogahed

Raed this eye opening article- Living with Depression and Islam

May Allah ease each one of us! Amin!
May Allah (swt) cure you all of your illnesses, your distresses, your pains and grant you the best of healing. Ameen.

 p/s sebenarnya diri ni rasa macam penat aje. Penat mengade :P Just a piece of advice, how tired you are, put faith in Allah. When Allah brings you to it, He will bring you through it. Amin insyAllah.
So dear heart, tolong bertahan. Trust in Him and him. 

Apt 15
24 Muharam 1436H