Thursday, July 10, 2014

Lessons for the day!

Assalamualaikum and hi!

These are  some compilation of lessons between me and the reg. Just a reminder for my future career. :D

Alkisah klinik tulang 6.0

Lesson 1

Patient present to the clinic with c-spine collar around his neck. We open the x-ray on the comp and it shows only x-ray of the lumbar spine. Ouh ok.

Doc: so, what brings you here?
Patient: My neck hurts
Doc: erk, it is not your back?
Patient: no
Doc: do you have x-ray today?
Patient: yes, they did on my back

Us: erk -_-''

Doc: so, dr ** if a patient present with c-spine collar where will you x-ray the patient?
Me: spine?
Doc: which part of spine?
Me: *haish, biar betul doc ni tanya aku soalan ni* cervical?
Doc: EXACTLY! but this patient has x-ray on his LUMBAR!


Always double check.

Lesson 2

A patient present with cast at hand. and the x-ray shows he has a fracture at radial head.

Doc: Dr **, can you see the fracture?
Me: yes, at the radial head
Doc: did you see the cast?
Me: *confuse face*
Doc: It is below the elbow! So, what do you think the function of the cast?


Again, double check.

Lesson 3

A post-opt TKR patient present with painless swollen foot and a SHO inquiries for DVT and he send for blood test including d-dimer, crp, esr.

Doc: do you think it is DVT?
SHO: hurm. maybe.
Doc: did the patient complain of pain or anything?
SHO: no
Doc: -_-' did you know CRP, ESR, will be high in post-opt patient?
Doc: why did you send the blood then? Swollen ankle is normal in a post-opt patient given that he didn't complain of any pain or anything. He didn't complain so, why did you send the blood? You will put everyone in trouble.

Basic knowledge. Get it right.

Mula-mula nak tulis tajuk Joke for the day. tapi fikir-fikir balik, it is a lesson to be learned, not to be laughed at. Because people do mistakes. So, learn the lesson, dear and do not repeat it in the future.

Overall, just double check what we do. Sometimes we are in a rush and we want to get everything done fast without thinking of the quality, outcome which may cost us time, money etc. It is not wrong to become a risk taker or try something new or do mistakes. But just be careful. Benefit vs Harm.

Just be careful in anything you do. like taqwa.

Saidina Umar r.a. pernah bertanya kepada seorang sahabat yang lain bernama Ubai bin Ka’ab r.a. makna taqwa. Lalu Ubai bertanya kepada Umar : “Adakah engkau pernah melalui satu jalan yang berduri? Jawab Umar: “Ya”. Tanya Ubai lagi: “Apakah yang kamu lakukan untuk melalui jalan tersebut?”.
Jawab Umar : “Aku melangkah dengan waspada dan berhati-hati”. Balas Ubai : “Itulah yang dikatakan taqwa”.

p/s scrub in for TKR today! awesome experience, wear so-called-astronaut scrub. hehe. ouh and I did assist ACL repair for third time. Alhamdulillah! Thank you Allah for giving me courage and strength. susah wooo orang yang prefer duk tepi obeserve je involve dengan benda-benda camni. haha. but then again Alhamdulillah Allah gives me chance. Alright. now, get back to your main aim ok!

next week, new team.May Allah ease. Ameen! I will be missing you, Mr K, Mr A, Mr W, Dr A, Dr K, Dr V, Dr W. *all are from Mars ok* fuuhhhh.

Apt 15
12 Ramadhan 1434H

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