Saturday, December 13, 2008

is it okay to tell lies??

does words tipu sunat really exist??
"tipu tuk kebaikan" someone would say that.
what is lies actually??
having dilemma lately.
not just between little kiddo n the big ones. but also between adults people. yup, it is true that they did not understand what is happening around them, thats why they keep on asking until they get the answer. but the main point is, we, the old2 people use to take the easiest road to keep them shut. which is LIES. the reason is the kids are so annoying. wow, what a simple way to keep them quiet.

so, How To MaKe THEm sHut tHeir MoUth Up?? can anyone out there anwer me??!!

huhu, i donow where i heard this. inside my head i guess.early in the morning.(aduh, how early?? god knows)

“wahai org2 yg beriman! Mintalah pertolongan dgn bersabar & dgn solat, kerana sesungguhnya Allah bersama-sama dgn org yg sabar” (alBaqarah,2:153)

okay2. got the answer?? patient.that the key. we shouldn't tell lies. there are sooo small. at this age. they believe every single thing what the elder tell them. they trust us. if one day they know we telling lies, huhu.they will never ever believe us again.

yes, they are annoying but do you know how much Allah loves muslim who are being patient. not my statement. AlQuran state it,my dear.huhu.

enough bout kiddo. now, adults thingy. hurm, how to start it.what is the different between telling lies and manipulate the truth??

sometimes, no, most of the times, we avoid telling lies but we do manipulate the truth. have u realise it? yes, i do realise it. " kalau aku ckp camni, nnt dier pk aper, klu aku ckp camni, nnt camni lak." so, at the end of the day, we tell the truth but in a cheecky and long way. it is our mentality, Malaysians. we love to think bout others. it is good to care bout others feeling.

the main question is HoW Do You ReaLLy SuRe What U ThINk wiLL ReaLLy HapPen?? you are not God. thats the truth.

huhuh, this remind me of this particular subject. THEORY OF KNOWLEDGE. want to know more??learn bout ib first, click, back to the topic. different people, different perception. based on what we tell them. the more info we give, the more they will ask. knowledge. thats the power of curiosity. cause lots of trouble sometimes. how?? think. ps.. cam dah lari topik.

'kadang-kala diam itu lebih baik dari berkata-kata' .huhu. i rather choose this road but that doesn't mean i accept everything what others said and jump into a conclusion. NO!! it depends on the topic. lets say, it something useless. better just keep quiet and at the end, just forget it. it means much more better for u. sometimes, the more we talk, the higher the chance we reveal others secret. again, cam dah lari topik.

ok. another question to ask ppl out there. is it okay to manipulate truth?? "sekurang-kurangnya aku cakap benar" well, yeah u tell the truth. but here comes MR.MISUNDERSTANDING. (knaper mesti mr??bkn mrs. hurm.ntah.suke.hehe) now, it relate to the perception thingy. gotcha?? we cannot expect what is inside other ppl mind. thats why the word ASSUME exist. most teenagers take this road, 'assume road' n lastly may cause misunderstanding, quarell, n same waktu dengannya.

suddenly it remind me with this quote "kita merancang tp rancangan Allah tuh lebih baik". what will happen after we give out the statement? who knows? Allah knows. maybe if we said lies, something different than what we thought may happen. n laslty, we regret.

"…dan boleh jadi kamu membenci sesuatu padahal ia amat baik bagimu, dan boleh jadi pula kamu menyukai sesuatu, padahal ia amat buruk bagimu, Allah mengetahui sedang kamu tidak mengetahui.” (AlBaqarah,2:216)

in a nutshell, tell the truth. honesty is the best policy. although the truth is so hard to accept. but thats it. be honest and straight forward. don't manipulate stories because we never knew what is the effect from our story. that is my stand. again,different ppl different view.

.:. ALLAH itu maha mengetahui. don't tell lies.
>peringatan untuk diri dan semua <>


Amin Rukaini Mustafa said...

A nice post humaira.. I like it.

Then some correction;

'does words puasa sunat really exist??'

i think it should be like this right,

does words tipu sunat really exist??

its okay, but the most important the idea i got it.

frankly speaking, to tell lie is not okay..and there is no tipu sunat..

"berkatalah yang benar walaupun ianya pahit"


Anonymous said...

sharing n caring:
alghazali [kalau tak silap] cakap 'tipu sunat' tu ada 3 tempat jek:

1)nak mendamaikan orang bergaduh
2)kalau pencurik masuk umah, tanya "ada orang tak?", so dibolehkan menipu..
(tak hengat!huhu)

"so, How To MaKe THEm sHut tHeir MoUth Up?? can anyone out there anwer me??!!"

sombat dengan cili api skett!ahaha~

humaira said...

@amin rox.
sudah betulkan.thanks!

bukan imam alghazali.tetapi imam albukhari.beliau tidak menggunakan perkataan tipu sunat. tetapi perkataan berdalih

"Jika seseorang muslim berdepan dengan situasi dimana beliau perlu bercakap tidak benar untuk melindungi dirinya atau seseorang yang tidak bersalah, atau untuk menyelamatkan dirinya daripada masalah besar, adakah cara untuk beliau mengatasi situasi tersebut tanpa berbohong dan berdosa? Sebenarnya memang terdapat cara yang mengikut hukum syarak dan jalan yang dibenarkan untuk seseorang menggunakannya jika perlu. Caranya ialah berdalih ataupun tidak berterus terang. Imam al-Bukhaari menamakan satu bab dalam Kitab Sahih Bukhari: "Berdalih adalah cara yang selamat untuk mengelakkan bohong" (Sahih Bukhari, Bab al-Adab (Kitab Adab), bab 116)..
Berdalih bermaksud mengatakan sesuatu yang mempunyai maksud tersurat yang mana pendengarnya akan faham, tetapi ia juga mengandungi maksud tersirat tentang perkara sebenar dengan bahasa yang betul. Syarat tentang perkara ini ialah apa juga yang dikatakan mestilah tidak membenarkan perkara yang sememangnya salah atau sebaliknya. Hanya untuk penggunaan didalam kecemasan sahaja"

to know more, read here

Anonymous said...

aha! betul2 imam bukhari..ada dalam hadis sahih bukhari dan muslim..

pastu nak add sket; situasi ketiga ialah untuk menyenangkan hati isteri..hoho~

for more VERY INTERESTING INFO regarding this, pls view;


humaira said...


betul betul betul(gaya ipin =3)

"sombat dengan cili api skett!ahaha~"

adoiyai, kesian ler budak be specific,my annoying twin niece n nephew are staying here,sleeping with me. what i'm going to do?!


miraman said...

honey..i enjoy reading your entry..
(= keep it up..

btw..point no 3 by al ikhsan is interesting..but what kinda situation that allows hubby to "berdalih"?


Akmal Hayat said...

disebabkan sume dh post komen pnjg2 n in english, why not we have some varieties..hahah..

just wanna say tazkirah yg baik..keep it up..kerana memberi itu lebih baik daripada menerima

Hidayatullah said...

good entry anyway
sekadar berkongsi..
1 more tipu sunat kalau x silap..
puji isteri..
cth..kalau istri 2 x lawa.he2.srry to say.. tp suami tu ckp lawa..
tu tipu sunat..
correct me if im wrong..
keep it up..