Friday, August 15, 2014

Children's rights

Assalamualaikum and hi!

This is a summary of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989)

  1. Survival rights - The child's right to life and to the most basic needs- food, shelter, and access to healthcare 
  2.  Protection rights - against all forms of abuse, neglect, exploitation and discrimination
  3.  Participation rights - to take an active role in their communities and nations. 
  4.   Developmental rights- to achieve their full potential - education, play, freedom of thoughts, conscience and religion. Those with disabilities to receive special services

So, do you think Gaza's children got all their rights??

currently both sides are on ceasefire, so do the FB people - they are on 'cease-post', hopefully not the awareness. huhu.

a friend said, jangan jadi bermusim. agree much. Lets continue pray for them, for all victims of oppressors all over the world.

kalau bunyi mercun musim raya every seconds pon annoying, just wondering  how people in Gaza feel hearing bombing, missiles, every day? - quoted

p/s now is musim kahwin sana sini, well, at my age, it is normal. I bet next year I will be receiving more invitations. hurm. *Gepal tangan, pandang ke atas*

psst selangor milik rakyat, bukan parti. Pray for the best for Selangor. Allah knows best. Just my second thoughts, berjuanglah demi agama, bukan kuasa.

19 Syawal 1435H
Alor Lintang

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