Friday, December 5, 2014

Own will

"There are tonnes to do if you want to, and none if you can't be bothered to" -Hlovate.

It is all about making decision.
Don't afraid making mistake and learn from it. Because we have a limited knowledge of what is the best for us. *unless if you have grandiose delusions :P just joking. Teheee* 

My advice: 

Have faith in Allah, if not you will be having DEPENDENT problem.

But dont forget making friends, you will be easily ANXIOUS if you dont have one.

Oh wait, not too much social contact. It will turn you to HISTORIONIC.

Don't think too much. You are not ANANKASTIC.*hope so*

Be nice and responsible. Not like those ANTISOCIAL people. ;) 

Trust others and stop being PARONOID.

Be humble and balance your life. Go out from your SCHIZOID zone and keep your EMOTION stable. 

Thats all my psych notes. Teehee.

All with capital words are types of personality disorder. :)

The choice is yours. Bersederhana. But not in making good deeds. Islam teach us to be moderate but urge us to do good to others, fastabiqul khairat. Berlumba-lumba membuat kebaikan. 

Amar maaruf, nahi mungkar.

Do good, stop doing evils.


12 Safar 1436H
Apt 15

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