Saturday, July 25, 2015

Is it worth it?

At the immigration counter,

A gardai (G) and me (K)

G : What are you studying?
K : Medicine.  *say with a big grin on the face.  Hehe*
G : Wow! It is a long journey!
K : Yeah,  it is.  :)
G : Is it worth it?

In a taxi. 

A Muslim taxi driver (M) and me (K)

M : Will you work here after finish or going back home?
K : Hurm, I  don't know.  I heard it is so difficult to get a job nowdays.  (in my head,  I know definitely I will go back home.  But whether I get a job or not.  I don't know)
M : Well,  as a rule of thumb.  It is beyond our control.  It is Allah's.  We just do what we can do and then leave it to Him.  Everything happens for a reason. 

Is it really worth it?  My grandmother asked me once,  why medicine? The course itself is gruesome and hard.  And the job (if you are fortunate enough to get one) .  Well,  as you know.  With those anti vaccines,  on call,  long hours,  sleepless nights.  Don't you think it is worth it? The salary?  I heard it is not much anymore. 

I have another one more year to complete my degree.  Yes.  You read it right.  A degree.  Well,  if you read my older post,  you will know what I have go through.  And I have autumn exam coming in 10 days. 

My journey in medical school is not as easy as A to B then C till Z.  It is A to C,  but sometimes back to B,  there are times I am stay longer in B.  There are times miracle happens.  There are times I feel I want to stop.  There are times I am worried without reason.  There are times I am crying under the duvet without no one knows *and now you know lols*.  There are times I feel strong and full of motivation.  Ups and downs. 

I've just finished reading Who Moved My Cheese.  I really should looking  for new cheese.  And yes,  I am now looking for new cheese with full of uncertainty.  But as a Muslim,  I believe there is new cheese out there.  For whatever reason,  I believe Allah has a better plan for me ahead.  And I just need to keep searching and believing. 

If you ask me why medicine?

My answer will be,  ladang pahala

In a simple word,  I am happy when you are happy. 

Well,  in Islam.  There are lots lots of reason why medicine.  About visiting the sick,  about treating other people,  etc.  You should be grateful, dear. 

P/s I am not comparing medicine with other profession.  I believe we work hand in hand to make the world a better place and as our seeds for the hereafter.  May it grows!

May Allah bless our journey!

9 Syawwal 1436H


Bella said...

Ooohh "ladang pahala" hits me hard :( Kena selalu ingatkan diri about this. Thank you DJ, hope life is treating you well inshaAllah :)

humaira said...

Bella! Alhamdulillah! I am officially a final year medical student! Alhamdulillah Allahuakbar! He is the Most Powerful! Hope life is treating you well too! :)
p/s indeed, You never know whose doa is being granted. *love your blog post on this. Inspiring. ;)*