Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Things are moving soooo fast


Kali ni nak bilingual ar. hoho.  Lets see if I can do that. Hehe.

It is 2 am and I am still awake. Thinking about how fast things have move! Called mum yesterday and told her that I slept at 3 am for almost a week. why? bukan belajar pon, it is just I can't sleep. golek-golek atas katil, tunggu mata lelap. did nothing. huhu. and mum said, Allah suruh pi semayang tahjud la tuh. ehehs.

Lately, I have been thinking. Everything is moving sooo fast! Itu apa yang aku fikir. But actually it is not. It is just inside my mind. Lets give a situation:

At home.
Things need to be done: Solat, study, baca quran, kemas bilik, masak, makan, online, whatsapp, makan lagi, print, online lagi, kerja itu, kerja ini, study lagi, baca buku cerita,baca buku ilmiah, study lagi, etc2 endless things to do. especially when internet around.

Internet is one of the factors. There are LOTS of other things as well. There are sooo many things we want to do. With the powerful technology, we can get information in a split second! and we are easily get anxious when someone reply our message/return our call late.

At university.
I have found a new place to study. Where things-look-like moving slow and steady. Well, it IS moving. The place is The Hub. It is not a library. It has sofas, snooker, cafe, table football. It is a nice place. I found peace there.yup, you can hear people laughing, people talking, but those things make me humane. If you ask me, does it has internet wifi? yes, it has! but it doesn't bother me so much to go online except for academic purpose. .

I can't study at the library anymore. It got me insane. Yes, I love books but the surrounding is so depressing. Everyone is studying and muka macam nak makan buku. I can't stand that. It makes me nervous and anxious. It makes me THINK I have sooooo much to study! *although the fact that yes I have to study a lot! haha* I can't stand too much pressure. I will easily feel inferior and end up, I choose to sleep. OVERsleep. hoho.

At college back then.
It reminds me of my college years, where everything moves slow and steady. Yes, we have CAS, EE and whatsoever. But with less distraction i.e internet slow, information pakai mulut je, phone jarang pakai except call rumah, no whatsapp, and plus the greeny environment. Both factors keep me alive and calm. I THINK I am a calm person back then, ke camne, classmate? hehe.

I did remember I still have time to lepak-lepak seorang diri di surau blok. Sit and do reflection. Muhasabah. or sit at the back of Blok F, facing ladang kelapa sawit, listening to motivational song alone while thinking about the future or went jog satu kolej.

It was the past. I did a lot of sharpening the saw huh? Things change. Now, I don't feel like do those things because I THINK I have soooo many things to do! and everything are moving so fast! a friend said, "this sem killer tau" and lots to study!  even nak buat ibadah pun, hati ke lain. haish.

but one day, i was listening to this kuliah online. and ustaz tuh cakap:

Manusia telah dijadikan (bertabiat) tergesa-gesa. Kelak akan Aku perlihatkan kepadamu tanda-tanda (adzab)-Ku. Maka janganlah kamu minta kepada-Ku mendatangkannya dengan segera.” (QS. al-Anbiya’: 37)

Rasulullah SAW bersabda “Tergesa-gesa itu berasal dari syaitan, kecuali pada lima tempat, karena sesungguhnya tergesa-gesa dalam hal itu termasuk sunnah Rasulullah SAW. yaitu: Memberi makan kepada tamu, jika menginap. Mengurus jenazah orang yang sudah meninggal. Mengahwinkan anak perempuan jika sudah baligh. Membayar hutang jika telah jatuh tempoh pembayarannya. Dan bertaubat dari dosa jika terlanjur mengerjakannya.” Ketergesa-gesaan dalam lima perkara ini sebenarnya bukanlah ketergesa-gesaan, akan tetapi pensegeraan untuk cepat dilakukan dengan pemikiran yang jernih dan matang terlebih dahulu.

“Ketenangan itu dari Allah dan tergesa-gesa itu dari syaitan” (HR. Tarmidzhi)

dan ada satu ayat tuh, ustaz tuh cakap jangan tergesa-gesa, ada kemungkinan kita tidak akan dapat apa yang kita gesakan. contohnya, kalau kita tergesa-gesa nak berjaya, takut-takut Allah tak bagi pun kita berjaya.

Time dengar ustaz tuh ulas, hati ni terus zapppppppppp..

so, sekarang dalam proses merelekskan diri. Relaks brother, relaks laaaa. *tiba-tiba lagu tuh datang. ehehs*

Sometimes when we are in calm, we can achieve more than when we are in anxiety. Belajar pun tak masuk kalau cuak. hoho. Another thing is  FB, orang zaman sekarang nak post/comment laju je. without thinking. *not all ye* itu juga termasuk dalam bahagian tergesa-gesa ye rakan-rakan.

Sikap berhati-hati itu adalah sikap terpuji dan sikap tergesa-gesa adalah sikap tercela.

Done the reflection for today! Mari ubah!

Riyadhus Solihin

p/s this tergesa-gesa apply in daily life. but in amalan, we are advisable to menyegerakan i.e solat.

: “Maka berlumba-lumbalah kamu dalam berbuat kebaikan.” (Surah al-Baqarah, ayat 148). 

keep calm and peluk tiang. ehehs. 

keep calm and play netball :D

pssst post yang agak releks and personal. I THINK this blog is getting personal ehs. 0_O  Oh well, blog muhasabah diri sama-sama. I am ain't perfect buddy. Moga anda belajar dari kesilapan diri yang kerdil ini. Life is full of adventure and accepting mistakes, a preparation for hereafter. Orang kata 'pack' barang untuk kehidupan di sana. May Allah bless!

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