Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Bachelors of wisdom


While doing some survey on living in Eire, a young man approached me. Showing me his volunteer licence, IC, letter about this nursing home. Asking for money for food i.e rice.
After explained about the nursing home etc. I asked about him, as I saw his IC, he is younger than my brother! He is only 21 y/o.

K: so you are a volunteer?
M: yup
K: are you still studying?
M: nope, it has been 3 years I stopped studying, last time was Form 5.
K: so, you are working?
M: yup, but not enough to give to this nursing home. I am not from rich family. My family needs money too.
K: And you did part time volunteering?
M: yup. We come here only for 4 hours. I have been here for 3 hours, and now I need to find 6 more in 1 hour!

And then, I'm mumbling something. Sobs. Rasa macam tampar diri sendiri.

Dalam hati menangis. There are people who didn't get the same opportunity as you are. And yet, you are not grateful. :(

Dear myself,

Do your best. Give it all out! Be grateful. Ada orang lagi tidak bernasib baik. Jangan banding dengan mereka yang sudah berjaya, tapi banding dengan yang tiada punya apa-apa. Strive for a better person, muslim. Do your best so that you can give other people the same opportunities. Give back to society! Kalau ada bachelors of medicine tapi lupa daratan, tidak jadi hamba bersyukur, tak guna jugak. *sila tampar diri sendiri*


P/s gambar kasi syukur dapat peluang pergi jalan siap. Haish. #swiss16

10 Syaban 1437H

1 comment:

naam said...

A good reminder..