Saturday, July 12, 2014


Assalamualaikum wbt and hi!

Another kisah tulang but not just klinik hehe.

Kisah 1

The very first week I met the consultant.

Consultant: Ok, everyone, this is Dr **, she is very important to me. So, please be nice to her.
Me: *sengih as usual. speechless kott*
Consultant: So, Dr **, if anyone do not treat you well, tell me. OK? as a return, please be part of the team.

Gituw huh protection dia.

Kisah 2

During shoulder repair when there is a very tight space, oh well, when doing the operation on the shoulder, you have to think on the anaes zone as well, so, it is not that spacious to fit 4 SURGEONS at one time. Different than knee or elbow operation.

but one day, there were already 2 surgeons assist him, the consultant, but suddenly he turned to me,

Consultant: Dr **, scrub in please
Me: *yang menurut perintah*
Nurse: Mr O'G, I don't think it will work out.There is not enough space there
Consultant: *sambil tarik tangan* It is ok sister. Dr ** stay beside me.

When everyone object, he is the one who protect.

Kisah 3

di klinik

A mother who is an ophthalmologist came to bring her children due to hand fracture.

Doc: Hello, I am K, and this is Dr **, a medical student who will be with us today
The mother: a student? not yet a doctor right?
Me: *abuden. nama pun student, memang la belum doctor lagi*
Doc: She will become a doctor.  *with a serious tone*

After the clinic, the doc turn to me

Doc: *make face a.k.a buat muka* whats wrong with the mother? asking you are not a doctor. what daa?! *emo*

*dalam hati* Doc, I am not feeling offended at all. Should I? but I feel protected :)

Kisah 4

The consultant will be doing operation on another theater which was on knee athroscopy and which I have assist him for number of times and I am enjoy it. Another theater which is the usual ortho theater will be having total knee replacement with another surgeon (senior reg) and which I have never got the chance to scrub in since it is a big operation and need to wear  kinda astronaut gown.

But that day.

Consultant: You can scrub in for knee replacement if you want
Me: Can I? *unbelievable face*
Consultant: Yes, you can.
Me: *speechless, doubtful*

Why I am in doubt?

1) It is a big operation
2) I need to wear the astronaut gown, not the usual one
3) The CONSULTANT will NOT BE THERE! as well as my best buddy.

I asked around, I asked the reg, my best buddy, "should I scrub in?"

He replied, "Look, if the BOSS said like that, you better scrub in. Do what the boss told you to do"

and then I asked my second buddy, another reg which will be scrub in for knee replacement as well.

He said, "go on. no problem" *with muka tak de perasaan as usual. hehe. Kadang-kadang suka jugak 'cling' dengan dia. sebab jenis lantak le, kalau tanya soalan, dia jawab. More phlegmatic person"

I was still in doubt. so, I asked another doc, SHO who will also scrub in. *another cool doc*

He said, "go and scrub then!" I look at him, and he said again " GO!"

and then I asked the senior reg who will lead the operation. *the muslim doc who is the one who ask Mr O'G to fast. refer my post on Ramadhan and Non-Muslims"

He said, "If Mr O'G said like that, go and scrub"

and there I was,  scrub in and then the nurses was "medical students shouldn't scrub in" *dalam hati, nurse ni tak tahu berapa banyak dah aku scrub in. sila tengok buku operation ye. hehe" *siap pi tanya the senior reg if it is ok. but he said, "Mr O'G ask her to scrub"

Hambikkkk ko, senyap terus. Terpaksa la tolong aku pakaikan gown tuh. *the gown is so special, it needs another person to help you*

Seriously, it is kinda an aura if anyone mention his name, the consultant's name. I can see the changes in the faces for almost everyone. Mr O'G is a very nice man but he is also a very strict, with don't play-play with me face. He can call anyone love, darling, but he has his own stand, principle.

To tell the truth, with the team, I feel so protected. I am not the kind who push people, I rarely push people or demand for anything especially in this case. I know I am just a medical student. I don't have any right or authority. I have lots to learn and lots of things that I don't know. I know where I should be and I know my limit which sometimes cost me fear. But when I am with this team, this consultant, I feel more free to learn new things, to take risk, to challenge myself. It took me some time to realize this. But honestly I start to fell in love with this profession. :)

It is so wrong when we feel safe in a hand of people but we don't feel safe in the 'hand' of Allah in which Allah is always there for us.

I feel fear when I was alone, thinking no one to protect me if I do mistakes.
I feel fear to try something new which I don't know what will be the future.

Lets change the mindset!

Just turn back to Allah and you will find your heart at ease.

Law hawla wala quwataillah billah. there is no power nor might except with/by Allah

وَلَقَدْ خَلَقْنَا الْإِنْسَانَ وَنَعْلَمُ مَا تُوَسْوِسُ بِهِ نَفْسُهُ ۖ وَنَحْنُ أَقْرَبُ إِلَيْهِ مِنْ حَبْلِ الْوَرِيدِ

We created man, We know the prompting of his soul, and We are closer to him than his jugular vein. 50;16

astronaut gown -_-' *the new gown, better than the old one, lagi nampak macam astronaut habaq maii*

ada orang buat-buat busy :P

Thanks to my best buddy for the pic :) Alhamdulillah. Those pics are the end of my scrub in drama. It was my last day of scrub in since the consultant off for holiday, doc lain tak berani nak ambik risk budak medic sorang ni. hehe. I did scrub in for TKR, and ACL repair on my last day. Feel blessed. Alhamdulillah .

P/s Alhamdulillah self achievement, new experience. Now, learn to focus :)

Apt 15
14 Ramadhan 1435H

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