Thursday, February 25, 2016

One quarter

Time surely fly fast. 
In need of increasing the gear.
Gear 6, shall we?


Can't believe myself.
One quarter of the academic year to final exam....  And here I am still writing blog post.  Sobs.

Panic attack begun yesterday. Wake up multiple of times at night and difficult waking up in the morning for the round.

Hurm.  I will keep on writing to keep my sanity.  To remind myself that all is well.  And I have been go through a lot before. 
It is just I have forgot how it feels.  I have gone through the worse, so why dwell of small little things? Manusia sangatt. 

So,  dear myself (and you who read),

Stay firm. 
Stay cool.
Stay awesome.
Enjoy each moment in your life.
Time will fly.
It will not wait for you. 
Be the best.

As a muslim,
You know Allah will ask about your time spent.
You know that you are khairan ummati.  The best ummah.
You know that Allah wants you to do the best.
You know that you are an ambassador of ummah.
And remember,  you are a Muslim first before a medical student. 


If you are a frequent reader of my blog, you know that those messages have been repeated countless time before.  But who cares,  I want to repeat it again! Lols.  Just joking.  It is just a reminder for me.  (pelupa sangat)

In need of positive vibes.  Yosh!! I can do it!! Lols.

A reminder from FB.  My FB status  3 years ago. 

Alkisah seorang ibu dan anak yang ber-skype

M: masa dapat berita kakak ipar masuk hospital sebab baby, macam-macam berlaku

J: jadi apa? *muka penuh kerisauan*

M: paip rumah pecah, dah 2 hari Mami dan Papa angkut air dari luar. Lepas tuh, few days before Papa tak sihat, tak boleh pergi kerja. Tapi harituh Alhamdulillah dah sihat. Harituh jugak, plumber datang rumah nak baiki. nak pergi awal hospital lawat kakak ipar tapi tuh la last-last malam jugak baru dapat pergi. Pagi tuh, bibik untuk nenek pun baru sampai. Nak kena uruskan dokumen. Petang tuh pulak ada usrah dan mesyuarat untuk gotong royong.........

J: *lagi risau* *hati gelisah*

M: TAPI Mami dan Papa selalu ingat ayat ni - فَإِنَّ مَعَ ٱلۡعُسۡرِ يُسۡرًا dua kali Allah sebut dan ma'a maksudnya bersama. Papa check dalam tafsir fil zilal pun kata 'mengiringi' dan Yasmin Mogahed pulak kata "together" and it is indeed so true! even thought the baby was not survived dan macam-macam ujian yang ada hari tuh, we did receive some good news! Your books about Parenting akhirnya sampai after 2 months of waiting and etc etc *other good news- let it be just between us*

J: hurm. betul betul betul.

M: this is just a small matter. Cuba compare dengan ujian nabi, kena baling batu, kena hina, kena maki, etc2 sikit je yang kita diuji

J: Teringat cerita Anas bin Malik dan Nabi.. *bermulalah kisah*... dan cerita Aisyah dan Nabi pun sweet....
M: aah, sekarang Mami dan Papa suka dengar Yasmin Mogahed, Nouman Ali Khan n latest Imam Suhaib Webb - tajuk "repentence"

J: oh, really? what is it about?
.....................................and the skype continue.......

M: kita terlalu banyak teori, kurang praktikal. In our life, whatever happens, relate back. to Him. He gives us ujian/musibah is because He wants us to prepare for a bigger ujian. and only selected people will get the ujian from Him.

The end.

indeed the best companion is the one who remind me of Him, The Almighty.
senyum TITM


Lets go back to book. 

P/s picture from radiology department.  Lols. Random. 

Surau CSI
15 jamadalawwal 1437H

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